We used to have a couple of blogs prior to this website, which were hosted on Blogger. One, “Golden Gaits Garden”, was started at our former home in Wellington (2009) when we began growing vegetables & raising ducks. It ended in 2017 when High Country Living went live. The other, “Mountain Gaitway”, began in 2014 after we purchased this property in Guffey and began planning our dream home. It primarily chronicled the building of our home & development of the property here.

In the process of “de-Googling” ourselves, we’ve removed these blogs from Google’s Blogger and have incorporated them into the blog pages of High Country Living. In the process, many of the photos were lost from those blog pages. I (Laurie) have completed the chore of finding photos that fit the descriptions in those blog pages.

It was a chore, but fun to reminisce as I read through those pages, looked through hundreds of photos on my computer, and recalled all that we’ve done here to build up this property. We’ve done a lot on this property, and even the small accomplishments were a big part of the grand scheme. Not many folks will likely ever read these pages, but for us it’s like a diary of some of our adventures together.

The archives of these old posts can be found at the links below:

We have certainly been blessed, and every day we are grateful for the way God has led us. First, by bringing us together back in 2008. Then, by guiding us to understand more of His truth as shown by His son, Jesus. We decided to stop listening to other people, and only listen to Jesus, in the gospels, for a year. After that year was up, our minds & hearts were clear of the things that distracted us from our Father. We have no desire to go back to the way we were. We listen to Jesus, who came to show us the Father, our Creator, and guide us to His truth. 

After all that, we are in awe that He’s brought us to this beautiful, quiet oasis here in the mountains to enjoy in our retirement. In all that we do: gardening, building things, ham radio–we’d give it all up if it were to come in the way of knowing Father more fully & doing what He desires.

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