Sheet Mulching – Day 1

We've begun sheet mulching Terrace #3. Here is a good article explaining the sheet mulching  First, we put down one layer of manure (TGFH-Thank God for Horses).  Then, a layer of cardboard to keep weeds from reaching the surface.  Then we took some time to map out where we want walkways to access our vegetables, and covered these with dirt.  Next Tim watered down the cardboard so the dampness will help it break down with the manure.Next, we put another layer of manure over the cardboard, on the ...


This morning Tim was driving by a lot where a couple of men were putting branches through a chipper. He stopped and asked what they would do with the chips.  They had no plans, so Tim offered to take them off their hands and they thought that was great.  We went back later with the trailer to fill it up with wood chips for our sheet mulching.  We backed the trailer up to where they were chipping and left it there for a while, and they turned the chipper to blow the chips right into the trailer. ...

Cutting Back on Power Consumption

Another thing we have been doing to reduce-reuse-recycle is to cut back on our consumption of resources (reduce).  We turned off the hot tub, cancelled the satellite (and limit our tv to an occasional movie from Netflix), and are turning off things when not in use.  We just got our most recent electric bill, and last month we used about half the power we used a previous month, and about $70 less!! Woohooooo!  Our water usage is less, too, but doesn't cost us any less.  There is a minimum charge, ...

Outdoor Changes

Tim has completed tiers 1,2,3 & 4, and some sloping below #4.  It looks great. The tractor could use some maintenance, but has held up pretty well. (THANKS for all your hard work, honey!)  The next step will be to start our sheet mulching (or composting) to prepare the soil.  First we will put down cardboard to stop the weeds from coming up and to give the worms a nice, damp spot underneath where they can go and do their thing.  (Eventually the cardboard will break down and allow roots from ...

Indoor Seedlings

The seedlings are coming along nicely.  Tomatoes:  3 varieties (Brandywine, Roma & Sugar Sweeties)  are nearing 1.5" and looking good.  I bought a "Topsy Turvy Upside Down Tomato Planter" which will hang from the porch and grow upside down.  We'll give that a try just for kicks.  It was only $10 at Target.  Peppers: Pepperoncini and Jalapeno are just beginning to make an appearance.  California Wonder and Yolo Wonder are barely beginning to show.  Most were planted 2/20-22, others 2/27.  Art ...

The Terraces are Coming Along!

We got some more railroad ties, and Tim is busily putting them in.  It's hard to see, but there is one terrace behind the one in front, slightly higher.  Tim is carefully flattening out each level, and when he's done next week we will begin "sheet mulching", a form of layered composting.  We should be able to plant tall things in the back, to allow the sun to hit the shorter items in front.  We are collecting information about what vegetables like to be planted together or away from each other, ...

Garden Terracing

Tim finished building the grow bench downstairs on Thursday, so Friday I got busy planting seeds.  Several are planted now, but I needed to buy a few more, so today I will plant those.  It will be fun to watch them grow!Later, Tim got out the tractor and began to dig out the area we will terrace.  First, he needs to fix the retaining wall he'd had there, then we'll terrace the hill there, with "lasagna gardening". This book was recommended, and looks great.  It explains a form of "sheet mulching ...

Golden Gaits Garden Begins

This will be our first garden!  We plan to grow as much of our own food as we can, using the principles of permaculture and organic gardening.  We have a lot to do and a lot to learn, but are ready to take on the challenge.  We have been reading and planning and are about to plant the seedlings.  There are many differences of opinion regarding the best way to do everything, so we will try a few approaches and after some trial and error will determine what is best for us.Our dream for the future ...