Temporary “Greenhouse”

We've been taking some of the plants outside daily to "harden" them before putting them in the garden, but it is often VERY windy and they've been blown over and damaged in the wind.  Also, some nights are borderline warm enough for the tomatoes.  We've created a temporary greenhouse for them to be out but protected from wind and chill until we can plant them in the garden.  This is the same place we are thinking about putting a "real" greenhouse for the winter.

Asparagas and Cats

Yesterday we finished preparing the asparagas bed, and got the crowns planted. I also put out the parsley that's been growing indoors, and just a few of the calendula. It's nice to see a little bit of green out there!Tim has been working on the steps that will descend alongside our tiers, from the upper level to the lower. It's a tricky job, with different drops between levels and weird angles, but he's getting it done. After at least the landings are completed, we'll work to prepare Tier #4 ...

Peas, Please!

Our first seeds have been sown outdoors! Today we finally got Tier #1 ready to plant and put in some of the pea seeds, along with a few rutabegas. According to my research, they grow well together. In a couple of weeks I will add cucmbers to this section. I started some snow peas and sugar snap peas. They'll grow up the terrace, and we will put vertical wires from the fencing to the top for them to hang onto.The horses were watching intently, especially my social Brego, but wouldn't you kno ...

Rain, Rain, Rain

I suppose for a gardener rain should be good. And it is. It's nice to see so much green out the window, and driving past fields of green everywhere is a treat. But, the past few days it has been frustrating. We had intended to get beds ready to plant seedlings and start seeds, but it is just too wet. Little plants want to be planted, but with rainy days and cold nights hovering near freezing (just above), they've been going outside during the day, inside at night. At least they will be wel ...


We've ordered some topsoil, to arrive tomorrow. We plan to add it to the goat manure, peat, & old hay we've got to create our beds for planting.It's kind of sad to give up some of our plans, but good. We need to cut back. For the most part, we'll still grow most of what was planned, just fewer of each vegetable, and it will be much easier to manage, on only one side of the yard. I need to carefully look at the size of each bed now and determine how many of each item will fit, so I'll kno ...

Rethinking: Soil & Garden Planning

We are rethinking our garden, and making some changes to our plans. We are finding that we will need a lot more material to amend our soil, and have decided to purchase some topsoil to add to our sheet mulching process. It is not cheap. We've also been thinking that perhaps we are "biting off more than we can chew" our first year by planning to plant so much.The artichokes are definitely out, cute as the little seedlings are. They take up a huge amount of space and resources for such a small ...


This weekend we had hoped to get the beds ready for the plants that can be planted before the last frost date, kale, broccoli, endive, lettuce, spinach, asparagas, & artichokes. However, it was cold and yucky, and we decided we will need more topsoil to complete the project. It's a good thing we waited and didn't plant, because this morning it is snowing. It's just as well that the tender seedlings aren't out there! I'm still hardening them off, so another couple of days of that treatmen ...

Weather and Misc

WEATHER: We've had some very nice, warm weather, then a few cold days with a lot of rain, then more very nice weather. For the next few days it will be cooler with the possibility of rain off and on, but not freezing. There is still that chance, of course. The average last frost date is around May 10, so hopefully we can do our major planting after that. PLANTING PLANS: Our plans have been to prepare Tier 4 and three beds on the West side of the yard today, and start planting the things th ...

Topsy Turveys and More Landscaping

I planted tomatoes in our Topsy Turvey Upside Down Tomato Planters yesterday and today. It's been nice enough I can have them out for awhile during the day, then bring them in at night. I'm a bit challenged to find a place to hang them on bad weather days in a window where they can get some light, which are coming soon, but we'll figure something out. I don't want to drill any holes in the ceiling or walls or wreck anything for this interim arrangement. In about a month we should be able to l ...

Seedlings in Blocks – Future Plans

I must say, the seedlings started in the soil blocks (with the soil recipe found in the Burpee book) are doing MUCH better than the ones I started previously in store-bought soil starting mix! I will not go back to the previous method! The soil blocks are so handy (and cute) and the bottom-watering process is easy. I lift out my tray with holes in the bottom, pour water in the plastic tray underneath, then dunk the soil blocks in their holey tray back down into the water. I either spray the ...